Edward Jones (March 1752 – 18 April 1824) was a Welsh harpist, bard, performer, composer, arranger, and collector of music. He was commonly known by the bardic name of "Bardd y Brenin", which he took in 1820, when King George IV, his patron, came to the throne.Jones was born in Llandderfel, near Bala, and is remembered for his three-volume work, the Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards.:The Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards (1784)
The Bardic Museum (1802) Musical and Poetical Relics of the Welsh Bards; Preserved by Tradition from very remote antiquity. To the Bardic tunes are added Variations for the Harp, Piano-forte, Violin or Flute... Likewise a general history of the Bards, and Druids, from the earliest period to the present time.
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