
pruggerh is from Austria, has been a member for 15 years and last logged in 11 years ago.

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Latest Requests Of pruggerh pruggerh's Latest Requests Feed

Total 149 result(s), listing between 80 - 100.

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added Sheet
La isla bonita Luc De Larochellière 1 Piano, Guitar, Vocal 5113d
Halleluja, I just love her so Ray Charles 2 Piano, Guitar, Vocal 5113d
Fairytale gone bad Sunrise Avenue 2 Piano, Guitar, Vocal 5113d
Eight days a week The Rain 1 Piano, Guitar, Vocal 5113d
Pavane Francisco Tárrega 2 Guitar 5132d
LÁGRIMA Francisco Tárrega 1 Guitar 5132d
¡ADELITA Mazurka Francisco Tárrega 1 Guitar 5132d
Study in E-minor for guitar solo Francisco Tárrega 1 Guitar 5132d
Down by the riverside Romualdo Lucchi 2 Flute, Vocal 5134d -
La guerra dell\'alfabeto Stillitano F. 6 Piano, Vocal 5134d -
O Sanctissima SATB Bach 1 Vocal 5141d
To Dust His Glory They Would Tread SATB Bach 4 Piano, Vocal 5141d
Veni Sancte Spiritus SATB André Vierendeels 4 Vocal 5141d
Amazing Grace SATB Bach 1 Vocal 5141d
Dies ist der Tag, den der Herr macht Georg Philipp Telemann 7 Vocal 5141d
The sound of silence Paul Simon 11 Piano, Trumpet, Violin, Clarinet, Vocal, Trombone, Percussion 5141d
Habanera Bach 5 Piano, Vocal 5141d
Down by the riverside Romualdo Lucch 2 Flute, Vocal 5141d
La guerra dell\'alfabeto Francesco Stillitano 6 Piano, Vocal 5141d
Fifteen Fugues - No. 15 Ludwig Van Beethoven 3 Trumpet 5144d