
wendell is from Spain, has been a member for 14 years and last logged in 12 years ago.

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Latest Requests Of wendell wendell's Latest Requests Feed

Total 87 result(s), listing between 20 - 40.

Title Artist Pages Instruments Date Added Sheet
DIRTY OLD TOWN some irish 1 Piano 5001d
the PIANO Michael Nyman 6 Piano 5006d -
ANYTHING FOR YOU Gloria Estefan 5 Piano, Vocal 5006d -
A BIT O` SUNSHINE Winifred Attwell 3 Piano 5008d -
THE GEBELL OF SATIN MARIES Emmet Adams 20 Guitar, Bass 5008d
Let it snow Frank Sinatra 3 Piano 5008d -
A bashful bachelor Lawrence Richie 4 Piano 5008d -
Piano Rock´n`Roll Bach 41 Piano 5008d -
Monday Struggle Albert Ammons 4 Piano 5011d -
Matchbox The Rain 11 Piano, Drum, Guitar, Vocal, Bass 5011d -
For no one The Rain 1 Piano 5012d
Don´t fence me in Cole Porter 2 Piano, Vocal 5012d -
La Vie En Rose Louiguy 3 Piano, Vocal, Bass 5012d -
Never Felt This Way Alicia Keys 4 Piano, Vocal, Bass 5012d -
How do I live Lee-Ann Rimes 4 Piano, Vocal 5032d -
La Tortura Shakira 9 Piano, Vocal 5032d -
Something beautyful Gustav Anderson 6 Piano, Vocal 5034d -
Don`t bother Shakira 9 Piano, Vocal 5034d -
You´re beautyful James Blunt 6 Piano, Vocal 5037d -
No Bravery James Blunt 5 Piano, Vocal 5037d