Anastasia is an Academy Award nominated American animated feature musical film produced and directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman at Fox Animation Studios, and was released on November 14, 1997 by 20th Century Fox.
The idea for the film originates from Fox's 1956 live-action film version of the same name. Executives at Fox gave Bluth and Goldman the choice of creating an animated adaptation of either the 1956 film or the original play by Marcelle Maurette.
The idea for the film originates from Fox's 1956 live-action film version of the same name. Executives at Fox gave Bluth and Goldman the choice of creating an animated adaptation of either the 1956 film or the original play by Marcelle Maurette.
Anastasia Latest Sheets Feed
Anastasia Latest Requests Feed
Total 90 sheet(s) found, listing between 20 - 40.
Song | Added By | Pages | Instruments | Sheet Type | File |
A rumor in St. Petesburg |
bksantiago (25)
4980d ago
11 | Piano | Transcription | |
A Rumour In St. Petersburg |
jessisue08 (38)
4984d ago
11 | Piano, Vocal | Original | |
Once Upon A December |
chaaa (1)
4984d ago
7 | Piano | Other | |
Once Upon A December |
babee6 (3)
4987d ago
7 | Piano, Vocal, Bass | Original | |
Paris Holds The Key To Your Heart |
ilovethecity1 (9)
4988d ago
11 | Piano, Vocal | Other | |
At The Beginning |
santi48 (4)
4988d ago
8 | Piano | Original | |
Journey To The Past |
Luigio8 (1)
4991d ago
8 | Piano, Vocal | Book | |
Sick and Tired |
Aerielis123 (1)
4992d ago
7 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
Journey To The Past |
LaDuchessa (2)
5005d ago
8 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
Heavy On My Heart |
fairplay28 (6)
5005d ago
7 | Piano, Guitar | Original | |
Once Upon A December |
Zlata (4)
5006d ago
7 | Piano, Vocal | Original | |
At The Beginning |
clairekwan (4)
5021d ago
7 | Piano | Transcription | |
Once Upon A December |
darkvisor (3)
5024d ago
7 | Piano | Book | |
Once Upon A December |
dmccray95 (36)
5031d ago
6 | Harp | Original | |
Once Upon A December |
LoLLy93 (2)
5033d ago
7 | Piano | Original | |
Breath me* |
LadyMusic (3)
5033d ago
7 | Piano | Original | |
A Rumour In St. Petersburg |
7Mooses (11)
5045d ago
5 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Original | |
Journey To The Past |
marleybob101 (24)
5055d ago
6 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Other | |
Journey To The Past |
ilikekittens86 (2)
5060d ago
8 | Piano | Other | |
Anastasia Songbook |
eriq (3)
5076d ago
26 | Piano, Guitar, Vocal | Book |