Mamas And The Papas

Mamas And The Papas

Mamas And The PapasThe Mamas & the Papas (credited as The Mama's and the Papa's on the debut album cover) were a vocal group of the 1960s. The group recorded and performed from 1965 to 1968 with a short reunion in 1971, releasing five albums and 11 Top 40 hit singles. They have sold nearly 40 million records worldwide.

Their signature sound was based on four-part male/female vocal harmonies arranged by John Phillips, the band's songwriter who managed to "leave the folk music behind" and blend his writing with the new "beat" sound in an unprecedented mode. On the other hand, The Mamas & the Papas were riven by internal frictions almost from the start which inevitably made them short-lived as a working band. This, as well as other heavily discussed issues like "Who sang and who was edited out from what final mix?" has contributed to the group's myth even forty years later.

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Total 23 sheet(s) found, listing between 20 - 23.
Song Added By Pages Instruments Sheet Type File
dream a little dream of me Marat (20)
5474d ago
4 Piano Original
california dreamin ropotija (2)
5489d ago
5 Guitar Transcription
dream a little dream of me asiula127 (4)
5545d ago
4 Piano, Guitar, Vocal Original