Maury Yeston

Maury Yeston

Maury YestonMaury Yeston (born October 23, 1945) is an American composer, lyricist, educator and musicologist.He is known as the initiator of new Broadway musicals and writing their music and lyrics, as well as a classical orchestral composer, Yale University professor, and prominent Music Theorist authoring landmark works in that field. Among his musicals are Nine in 1982, and Titanic in 1997, both of which won him Tony Awards for best musical and best score and each brought him nominations for a Grammy in addition to his third Grammy nomination for Nine's revival in 2004.

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Total 23 sheet(s) found, listing between 20 - 23.
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Danglin changnk (9)
5345d ago
3 Piano, Vocal Transcription
Danglin' changnk (9)
5345d ago
3 Piano, Vocal Transcription
Danglin' changnk (9)
5353d ago
3 Piano, Vocal Transcription